
Asleep in the deep movie
Asleep in the deep movie

asleep in the deep movie

Fathom is about to put an end to the cruel ritual, when a seaquake, and mocking laughter, herald the return of K'Karge. Young Talmirans torture a giant squid, in a rite of manhood. One such "festivity", however, fills Fathom with revulsion. Over the next five days, Fathom finds herself distracted from the search, by both Talmiran festivities, and amorous encounters with Maelstrom. Fathom garners the assistance of the Talmirans, and Maelstrom, in searching for her lost teammate, Monolith. The Talmirans were cursed, becoming more fish than human, eventually establishing their community deep beneath the Pacific Ocean. The cheifs of Talmira ordered Maelstrom to annihilate the Senket, an act which earned the wrath of the Elemental spirits. Maelstrom, along with the Talmiran Medicine Man, imprisoned K'Karge. Aqua resurrected him, and endowed him a portion of her power. The man who would become Maelstrom had been killed by a jealous rival, and left to rot in a deep pool. The water spirit, Aqua, was tasked with creating a champion for Talmira, one who could vanquish K'Karge. This upset in the natural order prompted the intervention of the four Elemental spirits. A rival tribe, the Senket, summoned K'Karge, a demon from Hell, to destroy the Talmirans. Once upon a time, the Talmirans were human, living on the land. After one such coupling, Maelstrom tells his tale. Fathom rejoices at the opportunity to spend more intimate time with Maelstrom. The citizens of Tamira rejoice at the return of the their champion. Fathom defies Kotatu, and releases Maelstrom from his eternal slumber. Kotatu explains that Maelstrom is long dead, and that only his spirit can be called upon, in times of great distress. Fathom recounts her history with the Elementals, ending with the circumstances that brought her to Talmira. Fathom demands an explanation, regarding Maelstrom, the protector of Talmira. Kotatu assures Fathom that she is an honored guest, and not a prisoner. Fathom angrily confronts Kotatu, the Medicine Man of Talmira.

asleep in the deep movie

Timber construction honor board with mantle on top and three panes containing names of bandsmen who served in world war one and two.Fathom regains consciousness, snared in a net. Users are advised to contact the source organisation to discuss appropriate reuse.ĭepicts names of Bandmen who served in the first and Second world wars Reuse of any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander material on this site may require cultural clearances. The length of this time varies and is determined by the community. Users of this site should be aware that in many areas of Australia, reproduction of the names and photographs of deceased people is restricted during a period of mourning.

asleep in the deep movie

These views are not necessarily the views of Victorian Collections. Or recorded but may not be considered appropriate today. Some material may contain terms that reflect authors’ views, or those of the period in which the item was written Content also may include images and film of places that may cause sorrow. Please be aware that this website may contain culturally sensitive material - images, voices and information provided by now deceased persons.Ĭontent also may include images and film of places that may cause sorrow.Īboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain culturally sensitive material - images, voices and information provided by now deceased persons. We celebrate the history and contemporary creativity of the world’s oldest living culture and pay respect to Elders - past, present and future. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the place now called Victoria, and all First Peoples living and working on this land.

Asleep in the deep movie